Openttd 101 4 of 4 Mastering the Art

Learn how to play the open source clone of the old classic Openttd. Personal Rating 8/10 Gameplay Manual: Openttd Co-oP: Forums: Transcript: **************************************************************** MASTERING THE ART **************************************************************** -Forget the money After you become affluent at starting and making millions the game becomes more about making efficient, crazy huge networks that are fun to build and watch, especially when working as a team. -The Manual The manual is located at It is much more thorough but requires more reading, and has less visuals. There are also tons of hotkeys listed on the wiki that can really help when it comes to building quickly. -Openttd Co-oP The gods of Openttd reside here; when they build the map begins to resemble a circuit board. Check out their tutorials, they have great tips that even I am still trying to learn. -Practicing It took me a few years to learn how to play, I didnt have this tutorial, and the Wikipedia wasnt as good as it is today. As you play online and get owned, you will definitely get better. Get to know the hotkeys and how to use them effectively. I advise watching this tutorial a couple of times. -Openttd Forums Join the openttd forums and post questions, youll get your answers. -Playing online Playing against others is a perfect way to become better at openttd. Hit the
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