OnLive Micro-Console and Service Review (December 2010)

OnLive Micro-Console and Service Review Features The OnLive Micro-Console has support for 1080p video, 5.1 surround sound, stereoscopic 3D, four controllers, and four bluetooth headsets. 1080p gaming should be available by next year, along with voice chat. The Wireless Controller is probably the most impressive part of the hardware, sporting a very comfortable design, hefty balance, smart button layout, and convienent media bar along the bottom. The triggers have a very natural pressure to them, and the shoulder buttons are easy to get to without getting in the way. The D-Pad is very nicely designed, making it perfect for fighting games and exact movements. As for the OnLive Service itself, gaming on the service is very much community focused. You have the norms such as friends lists and messaging, but OnLive also has features like the Arena, Brag Clips, and Zero Latency Multiplayer. The Arena is a spectators sport, where you can watch other OnLive members play games in real time. While watching you can Cheer or Jeer them depending on how well they are doing. Brag Clips are another great feature that records the last 10 seconds of the game you are currently playing. Multiplayer in OnLive is unique compared to other consoles. Unlike other games you play online where you can see players jittering around on the screen, people using hacks and exploits, and other latency related issues, OnLive is completely devoid of these things. OnLive is basically run like a giant LAN
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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