Ok Does anyone else that disney channel copys EVRYTHING, has badshow ideas(that rnt fune), and is getting lazy?

Question by Kaya E: Ok Does anyone else that disney channel copys EVRYTHING, has badshow ideas(that rnt fune), and is getting lazy?
Ok so like i was saying does anyone agree with me? Like Ok so Wizards of waverly place copied the two most popular books/movies right now! Twilight and Harry Potter! Ok like the wizards vs vampiers thing, i was saw a commercial on it with my sister and im like omgosh its totalli copying twilight. they meet a family of vampiers justin starts dating a vampire but his parents wont let them be together because it could ruin eatchothers life. and then that other time where he starts dating the werewolf i mean c’mon! and then that episode where they go to that wiizads school! and they all have harry potter glasses and the headmaster has a long beard and a robe. and those really big tabels and the unifrom looks so much like the uniforms for griffendor! and did anyone else notice that they used the spell transfiguration like in harry potter?! ok another most shows on disney channel is so dumb! i totalli stopped watching disney channel after miley cyrus demi, and selena, got on! ok miley cyrus is s stupid! especially on hanah montana! i mean like seriously especially when ever she says say what? its so stupid! and ok demi lavato i can admit shes pretty but shes really annoying and not fune! neiter is miley or selena! ok and wats withe show sony with a chance?! its not fune at all! that little girl with the crazy hair is so annoying! and disney thinks its all fuen cause they thinks its creative to make a comedy show about a comedy show? o please its totalli not fune at all! ok and suit life on deck! suit life of zack n cody was wayyy beter! they took out all the gud characters except for londond and mr mosby! that new girl is so annoying! they dont even have the parents anymore or irwin wich was like the best character besides mosby! ok so deso anyone else agree with me about disney?!

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