Now That one of the SHeen boys is making a Movie calling 9/11 and inside job, can he count on an Oscar in 08?

Question by ThorGirl: Now That one of the SHeen boys is making a Movie calling 9/11 and inside job, can he count on an Oscar in 08?
Yep the liberal pig Sheen family is at it again and this time they are following Algores rythym and makinfg a movie claiming GW ordered 9/11. I would suggest a Paris-Tehran-Hollywood opening! I cannot wait to see the RED carpet show next year! Please Odin let me smite them all!
February 1998 Bin Laden issues joint declaration with the Islamic Group, Al Jihad, the Jihad Movement in Bangladesh and the “Jamaat ul Ulema e Pakistan” under the banner of the “World Islamic Front,” which stated that Muslims should kill Americans including civilians–anywhere in the world.

Are you assuming Bush had Osama in his pocket since 1993? AND that Clinton obeyed as well?
the additional was for trouble. he has a hard time with time lines.

Best answer:

Answer by alphabetsoup
Are you suggesting global warming was an inside job by the Republicans?

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