New Official $150+ Million Free pcm Money on Friends For Sale & get raised by the Team

Not a hack or a cheat a real way to make a fortune on facebook, and myspace comeing soon, bonus money and strategy s dont make as much as being in the team tips from team members are always shared the calculator link is below this will help you if you join the team using script will get you banned so dont do it or ask us about it if you want to make millions everyday read how to join the Legends Team here download this file then copy and paste all the text /code into your edit description on your page all new team members should be raised to a minimum of 100mill instantly if they have the team page layout help new team members up to 100million here (this is an unused chat room but we took over 😛 ) free cash below read this free cash (you must be logged into facebook before you click) 10mill free right now Click this every day for 5 mill free every day! = 0mil per month bonus stuff the friends for sale calculator 🙂 😀

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