Never Had A Dream Come True (Harry/Hermione)

INFORMATION: Title: Never Had A Dream Come True Artist: S Club 7 Footage: Harry Potter (all five movies) Ships: Harry/Hermione, Ron/Hermione Dedicated/Request: Requested by josefinelundmark – I hope you enjoy dear. Storyline: *Present* Hermione stands at the door of the great hall, knowing that two men are waiting for her. One is her friend and one is the man who holds her heart. But which is which – and who will she choose? *Past* Harry and Hermione were dating, but their relationship seemed to be going no where, so they decide to separate. No sooner do they break up, then they begin to regret it. But Hermione ends up in a relationship with Ron, and though she’s still in love with Harry, she can’t bring herself to hurt Ron by breaking up with him. But she can’t let go of Harry. Memories of when they were together haunt her, and she crosses the line when she hugs Harry and the moment is caught on camera. Ron is furious and hurt, and because of this, but Hermione and Harry are caught up, thinking that there might be a chance to rekindle their relationship. Hermione goes to the ball with Ron, but ends up dancing with Harry. Ron is furious and tells Hermione that she’s still in love with Harry and that she has to choose. Torn between choosing her love for Harry and her friendship for Ron, she lashes out at Harry who is confused and hurt. *Present* It seems that nothing Hermione does is right, but in the end, no matter who it hurts, no matter how miserable it makes her, she
Video Rating: 4 / 5 We talk often to tribute artist for characters on The Andy Griffith Show and from time to time to the actual stars themselves. I thought it would be nice to hear from some Mayberry fans. What The Andy Griffith Show means to them and what it is they like about the show. I met up with Mayberry fan Al Gandolfi back in March 2009 following an event in West Palm Beach, Florida held at Grace Fellowship ( The event was called “Mayberry Comes to Grace Fellowship” and Senior’s pastor Frank Ingram helped make that event happen. You may think that the Mayberry events held around the country just “happen” but that’s certainly not true. Al, like Pastor Ingram, also made a Mayberry event happen in his town. It was called “Good Ole Days – A Tribute to Mayberry” and it was held in Cocoa, Florida on April 8th-9th, 2005. We get to hear a bit from Al about the hard work that goes into making these events happen for all of us, the fans, to enjoy. I believe you’ll enjoy getting to meet Al and you’ll certainly hear from a man that loves The Andy Griffith Show. I think you might also hear put into words some of the same feelings you have when watching Andy, Barney, Opie, Aunt Bee, and our other Mayberry neighbors. If you use iTunes, please visit the Two Chairs No Waiting page of the iTunes store and leave a review and rating. – Don’t forget to leave comments or ask questions on the website or using the contact
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