Need to know where get money to make a movie?

Question by Donald C: Need to know where get money to make a movie?

So hears what’s up. I trying to help my friend make his movie prequel, and he’s looking for investments to make it possible. Basically the movie is like a thriller/action and I think some horror is involved due to it’s to be a zombie apoplectic for the movie after the prequel.

But the main thing is I want to find ways to get any sources to getting investments of making a movie, so my question to all you is where do I go to find the investors?


Best answer:

Answer by Jordan
Try to send it into small movie investors, or maybe if you don’t care if it is in theaters, send it to a t.v. channel that’s shows small-time movies like SyFy channel or HBO. If you want it top be in movie theaters, try to pitch your video are showcase your film. Filming grants and film competitions are a good way to start your film.

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