Need help changing icons on Mac?

Question by Stephen L: Need help changing icons on Mac?
Apparently you can change the icon picture of files, not just folders on a mac. I know how to edit folders but for some reason I can seem to edit the icons for movie files. I have a program called iconverter that is supposed to be useful for this but so far the only thing I’ve been able to use the program for is converting the pictures I want to turn into icon pictures into .ico or .icns files.
I guess my question is how do I take those .ico or .icns files and actually make them the icon for a specific file?
Ideally I was trying to make a seperate icon for all of my movie files to make the icon for each movie the dvd cover for that movie. If I need a another program for this please tell me which, but only freeware please (or a program that can “become” free with torrents or something, I’m really not willing to pay for this). Thanks in advance for any help you can give, peace.

Best answer:

Answer by TLi
I am afraid you must purchase a commercial software for this customization

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