My 340 Pound Friend- Beautiful Bellies.

If you care about me at all, then you’d read my update/ description.. Anyways I suppose i’ll apologize for not making a video in such a long time. I’ve still been losing weight and doing pretty well at it. But a lot of shiz has gone down in my life: First of all school has been insanely crazy, and i’m finally on summer break but still this is a huge contributing factor towards not making videos. I was getting insanely sick during finals.. and battling off my parents who had found out about all of this. Actually just my dad found out about all of this.. and it was towards the last month of my schooling.. and things just went to hell. He called up accounts that i had signed up into this (where he found out about it) and had them deleted.. blocking foreign numbers from my phone just in case they were gay or into this whole thing. And it has just been a crazy mess. And he has been threatening to send me to live with my mother in Australia, where I am currently visiting. And i’ve also had quite a bit of drama at school with friends and gossip and relationships i guess…? And of course my sexuality has been discovered more as I do enjoy men, but i’m still leaving that door open for experimentation with relationships and what not. But of course it’s way hard to be openly gay at highschool, so i’m trying out all sorts of things, but i’ve finally accepted it i suppose? Read my profile description if you want more details of that… What else has been going on? Oh yes, i’m in
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