Muse of Melpomene

Melpomene the muse of tragedy… Eerie whispers trapped beneath my pillow won’t let me sleep… your memories… i know you’re in this room i’m sure i heard you sigh… floating in- between where our worlds collide… it scares the hell out of me and the end is all i can see… i know the moment’s near and there’s nothing we can do… look through a faithless eye are you afraid to die ?! The music and images might be a juxtaposition,but… When you’re afraid to die, lots of people start believing. Melpomene, initially the muse of singing, she than became the muse of tragedy. In Roman and Greeck poetry, it was traditional to invoke the goddess Melpomene, so that one might create beautiful lyrical phrases… Muse, alternative rockband. From the album Absolution, thoughts of a dying atheist (13) link to official website Giotto di Bondone was an Italian painter and architect from Florence in the late middleages… Giotto at artcyclopedia Looking for windows movie maker effects ?! Try this link to Rehan’s movie maker corner (thanks for the mail Rehan) link to FX archive Poetry as a reaction to this video by John Najjar: The Death of an Atheist. Shadows running from the scorching light the world a lantern parade we run in circles while standing still. Searching the world, myself, I can seek only metaphors to express the intangible. Once again i am cheated of my treasure. The sights I long to

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