Movie Poster Collecting Requires Trained Eye


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of a print is ascertained, estimating its value requires additional legwork. You can’t simply rely on a dealer’s word as to its worth. Conduct extensive research to determine how film prints for the same movie and of like condition are being valued. And remember, the more rare a piece, the more valuable it becomes, so if you have a difficult time locating artwork of a particular film, that’s a good sign that its value might be higher.

Quality Control: Preserving your investment

No matter how great an investment you make in a movie poster, it won’t be a sound investment if you don’t care for the item. Preserving the quality of the paper is critical, but it isn’t difficult to do with some basic instruction. One of the most preferred materials used to preserve valuable documents is uncoated polyester film. DuPont’s Mylar D and ICI

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