Minecraft Bros: S3 Ep 3 – Night Sucks

Minecraft Multiplayer Gameplay: The Longest night ever! Add/Follow me on: Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com The Sims 3 Profile: www.thesims3.com Email: contactzeke@gmail.com
Video Rating: 5 / 5

I put together a few videos of my sims talking… and deciphered what they were really talking about. UPDATE! Apparently there are some people making fun of others because they don’t know what an anaconda is. What does it matter to you? Some people haven’t heard of them before, so there’s no reason to be rude. For those who don’t know, anacondas are large snakes in South America that can be deadly to humans, but they aren’t venomous. Now please don’t argue on my video’s comments, I only put this up here for entertainment purposes, not to start conflicts. Thank you!! PS I plan on making another one of these soon, but there are a lot of big events happening in my life right now, so it might not be as soon as I’m hoping.

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