Mickey Mouse Tribute

*cheesy opening* “I only hope that we don’t lose sight of one thing—that it was all started by a mouse.” – Walt Disney That’s right, my viewers. I make Disney music videos for fun, but I feel that it is important to recognize that I wouldn’t be here having fun and galloping around youtube without this one small but very crucial little guy: Mickey Mouse. This is a tribute to the mouse to whom Walt Disney was referring. *backstory for why I made this* I was on a serious Mickey high for some reason when I went to college last fall, so I went on iTunes and bought…more songs than I’d like to admit…simply because Mickey “sang” them (honestly, Mickey doesn’t sing; he talks very convincingly in his squeaky voice to the music). When I heard this one, I recognized a lot of the cartoons which were being referenced, and, feeling clever, rushed to youtube to watch the video that someone had inevitably made displaying each reference. So, needless to say, I was shocked when… NO SUCH VIDEO EXISTED (er…at least none that I could find)! Now, at this point, I was simply resigned and dismayed since this was a dark time in my vidding career—long before I had ever discovered how to rip DVDs or use Windows Movie Maker (I know, crazy). So, weeks ago, after my return home from Walt Disney World in Florida, my love for Mickey Mouse was renewed as was my desire to see a finished video to this silly little ditty. So here it is. Courtesy of my Mickey love. *notes* Okay…many of these clips

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