Me and My friends are making a Jackass movie. Should we do these stunts? What are your ideas?WE NEED HELP!!!!?

Question by whitepumaz: Me and My friends are making a Jackass movie. Should we do these stunts? What are your ideas?WE NEED HELP!!!!?
Me and my four best friends are gunna do some jackass stunts. Which one of these should I do? What do you thin of these.

– We’re thinking of driving blindfolded in a freeway, we thought it was cool.
– Golf course Airhorn, when golfers tee off, when they are about to swing we blow te airhorns.
-Urban sprinting. You go to a mall, go to a clothing store with a security alarm and a security guard. Take somethin with a security tag. Leave the store then activate the alarm. Make sure a security guard is watching. If he’s watching you, RUN. Don’t stop until you go to the nearest parking lot. Who ever can reach the parking lot the fastest without getting caught wins.
-Get a woopee cushin and go to a library, since it’s proably a school day. You hide the woopie cushin in your shirt and make alot of noise.
-Try the library prank, instead of a woopie cushin you get an airhorn. Go to an area where noone can see you thn blow the airhorn. Blow the airhorn every 3 to 5 minutes.

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1 hour ago
Go to an area with busy street. Get a plastic gun from the dollar store. Go to the street at night, dress up like a psychotic killer or a crook, and go to the side, where you face the drivers side of the car, when the car approaches, pull the gun and watch the driver swerve. thats funny.

Run naked in a shopping mall.

You guys got any ideas, we wanna do soe nice stunts like johnny knoxville. We want to show off the stuns t school ten send the vide to youtube and myspace.

We really want to show off, we dont care if we get hurt, or get arrested.

1 hour ago
Drop a bowling ball on my friends crotch.

0 seconds ago
1.) More Stunts.

-Steal 3 shopping carts from publix, and tie them to a pickup truck or an SUV with a Ball in the back, something to carry trailers with, i dunno what it’s called. Get some rope and tie a piece to each shopping cart. then ties the rope into the back of the truck. Then drive in the street, then drive in the freeway, while the truck is carrying the shopping cart.

-Put on a bunny suit and go to a neighbors back yard where there are at least 3 vicious dogs.(Pitbulls are best) Run away from the dogs.
sTRAP your friend to the ground, with his legs wide pen, Then drop 10LBs Dumbells and some heavy bowling balls on his nuts. HILARIOUS.

Best answer:

Answer by Rana

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