Making a Cappuccino with my Krups Dolce Gusto espresso/coffee machine.

Just a simple video making a cappuccino (latte style – milk first for layering) with my Dolce Gusto. I had a Tassimo, but did not like the chemical tast from the milk discs and the Dolce froths so much better and tastes great!

Most people who watch vids on this channel want to know the status of the hacked firmware for the following cameras: Here’s a brief summary Canon T2i: Still behind 7D, probably will not happen Canon 7D: Trammel Hudson says he is unable to run Magic Lantern on the camera, and it most likely wont be possible for the camera to be hacked. Only way to get needed featrues is to contact Canon. Panasonic GH1 and GF1: Ptool is making progress, GF1 now has manual controls, but Panasonic has started with stealth updates that leave cameras made within the last month unhackable for the time being. Grab either camera now before the ability to hack is gone.

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