Long PS3 AD – Exclusive Games (fanmade)

HIGHER QUALITY: Is there any way to upload videos here without making them look like a pixelated mess? you can see this same video in higher quality here: www.gametrailers.com EVEN HIGHER QUALITY: Download the video here www.megaupload.com thanks to CSSer for the link to megaupload A video showcasing all the exclusives for the PS3 in the kickass fashion of the latest ads with music by Saliva (“Ladies and Gentlemen”) although, yes, the song here is expanded, so all the freaking games fit in. So yeah, I did this mainly to give my new editing software a try (which actually sucks as hard as Windows Movie fucking Maker) It took a long while, like 24 not-in-a-row hours, so, Sony, can I have my money now? 😛 I’ll be adding God of War 3, Resistance 2, The Getaway 3 and the new Team Ico game when new footage of them appear. Also I forgot Afrika, Aqua, Socom, Yakuza 3 and Infamous so I’ll be adding them as well (although I don’t know how the hell Im going to do that) Anyway, enjoy! 😀
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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