Let’s suppose I could sell a radio drama script to a radio station, how much would it be worth?

Question by Dan: Let’s suppose I could sell a radio drama script to a radio station, how much would it be worth?
I have absolutely no idea and there doesn’t seem to be very much information about this on the internet. What do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by Daisyhill
Not as much as you’d think. In the U.K, a forty minute play fetches between 500 and 1000 pounds. I write comedy sketches for radio and I get paid 30 pounds a minute…which sounds a lot but when you consider that the average radio sketch is 2 minutes long and it takes me around 6 hours to write a good one…it’s not much at all! But either way, radio is a great place to start…there is LOTS of airtime to fill so new writers have a good chance.

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