Launch Pad

Launch Pad The company Texas Instruments seeks to unite in its chips the performance of a 16-bit microcontroller, ultra-low power consumption and extremely low cost. This is why the company has released a new software development kit MSP-EXP430G2 based on microcontrollers MSP430 Value Line. With a low cost the new kit includes all the necessary hardware and software to run easily the projects on the basis of MSP430 Value Line microcontrollers of Texas Instruments. MSP-EXP430G2 includes a socket for integrated circuits in 14/20-output DIP case and an integrated debugger/programmer, which allows working with microcontrollers via Spy Bi-Wire interface. Also the board has the following: • a user button; • a reset button; • user LEDs; The kit includes two pre-programmed microcontrollers MSP430G2211 and MSP430G2231. An additional advantage of this package is free software: compilers and debuggers without functional limitations, including Code Composer Studio and IAR Embedded Workbench that support integrated software development environment. The second name of this card is a Launch Pad. This device allows the beginners and experienced developers to carry out rapid prototyping, debugging and programming of measurement, security, industrial systems and other cost sensitive applications. DIP socket for debugging and programming supports devices with up to 20 outputs, and allows for rapid prototyping with microcontrollers MSP430 Value Line. The developers can quickly change
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