Lastest Movie Making Class News

movie making class
Image by KierDuros
Junio Year 1991-92
Movie making for media class
The old Ritz Theater in Bethel

Lion G., me, Dawn R., Matt K.

ScissorTales: Dwelling in the halls of hubris
WHO’LL win the Super Bowl? Best picture at the Oscars? Best actress? Will it ever rain again in Oklahoma City?To answer any of these questions is to make a prediction. And to make a prediction is to risk being wrong and ridiculed for it. Of course it will rain again in Oklahoma City. The other predictions aren’t so easy to make.One of the Best Picture nominees is “Black Swan,” which is also the …
Read more on The Oklahoman

Exorcism is back — and not just in films
Exorcism is back — and not just in films By Kristen Moulton The Salt Lake Tribune Updated Jan 28, 2011 08:38PM MDT Demons, says the Rev. Gary Thomas, travel in gangs. Like angels, they are pure spirits with varying powers and specific slots in a hierarchy, he says. “Demons are not equally powerful.” But five years after Thomas trained in Rome to become an exorcist, the 57-year-old parish priest …
Read more on The Salt Lake Tribune

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