Lastest Making The Grade Movie News

making the grade movie
Image by ~MVI~
I was tagged by kamball so here’s that 10 things you may not know about me:

(1) I am publicly a rocker but in private, I prefer the old songs; (2) during college, I was supremo of one of the most notorious fraternities in our school; (3) I love to cook; (4) I would have pursued a career in writing until I found out that I don’t have what it takes to be a really good one; (5) yes, sad movies make me cry; (6) I have the distinct record of topping the NCEE exams in high school and yet failed to graduate because of failing grades; (7) I bet on the lotto religiously and once won P20,000; (8) I am a socialist in the “Imagine” mode; (9) at 17, I ran away from home and tried joining the army; (10) I dream of retiring to a small farm with a garden, some chicken and pigs and goats, and a shade under a caimito tree where I can while the day away blogging, flickering, and growing old gracefully with my wife.

THE GAME: Those tagged should list 10 things that their friends may or may not know about them but are true. They should also tag 10 people and be sure to let them know they’ve been tagged (a quick message will do). Those 10 people are the following and they should post a photo in their streams with the 10 facts and the list their tagged people. And don’t forget to link back to the person who tagged you:

wilfredo pascual
.I Travel East.
sarah grutas

THE PHOTO: We always pass by the Nagoya University on our way to and from the Nanza Church. On my last mass there, I have this photo taken showing the changing colors of autumn. Taken by a colleague in 2006 with a Sony Ericsson K600i while attending the JICA-UNCRD Human Security Course.

Lesson at Igo: Giving can be fun
Raffle winners, from left, Brynn Gilbert, Katelyn Leary, Sarah Egan and Ayman Fawaz. Fourth Graders at Igo Elementary School got into the spirit of giving during the month of December. They learned that giving to others can be fun, even exciting.
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