Lastest Making A Movie News

Roger Ebert returning to television in new movie review show
Roger Ebert is going to produce and appear on a new movie review television program for PBS.
Read more on The Christian Science Monitor

Movie review: ‘Heartbreaker’
The box office hit in France, starring Romain Duris and Vanessa Paradis, has plenty of seductive charm. Slick entertainment is rarely as, yes, slickly entertaining as it is in “Heartbreaker,” a French romantic farce that is commercial cinema at its most successful. Given that Hollywood has all but forgotten how to turn out adult amusements of this type, it’s especially welcome.
Read more on Hartford Courant

Roger Ebert To Appear On Movie Review Show
Film critic Roger Ebert, who lost his ability to speak and eat after cancer surgeries, said Friday that he is returning to television on a movie review show that he is producing for public television. And, Ebert says, the thumbs up and thumbs down reviews made famous with his late partner Gene Siskel will return. “This is the rebirth of a dream,” Ebert said in a statement.
Read more on CBS 5 Bay Area

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