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May 20th 2008 – The Origin of 365
how to make a movie script
Image by Stephen Poff
You should really view it Like This.

Just in case you’re wondering where I ripped off this sky… I did photograph it from a plane ;-).

Today was the first day of my 3 (or four… I haven’t decided yet) day vacation. I finished the podcast, backed up some files and watched "Rocky Balboa".

This week on the podcast, we decided to challenge everyone to do magazine covers or posters. Here is my contribution.

I thought of this last night as I was looking through all the fun copy-cat photos that everyone did to honor Mav. His mom had decided to honor him by instituting "Founder’s Day" on May 19th. Mav’s done a lot for the group and deserved some recognition for all he’s done.

But the more I read, the more I became slightly depressed by the whole thing.

For those of you who don’t know, I was doing the project for eight months before any of you (including Mav) had any clue what 365 was.

Every year as a new years resolution, I start a project that will take me a year to finish. It’s a way to keep me creative year in and year out. One year it’s a record, another it was a comic… I even wrote and directed a feature film. In 2006 is was taking a self portrait a day for a year.

I had been posting all my photos on flickr, along with a short diary entry, without really drawing much attention. At that point it wasn’t much of a social networking site. So I got some people following along, but it wasn’t a big deal.

I chronicled the death of my Grandmother, A new career in Newspaper and then a step up into Television Production. By July I was moving my family to Montgomery, Alabama.

The photos were mostly just me in the bathroom mirror or late at night with the dogs… nothing really special. But every once in a while I’d plan something special.

On June 17th 2008, I shot this Superman Photo. It was in response to the upcoming movie and to the gift my wife and daughter had given me for Father’s Day. Little did I know that a month later, Chris Maverick would find it and ask me if I minded if he did the project too. I did not mind. He then decided to start a group an invite others to join.

Sadly, I only had a few months left and before the group got really going, I was done with my project and involved in writing another script.

I had no idea how popular the group would become. I suddenly felt left out of and detached from the very thing that I had created.

But I stalked the group here and there and was happy to hear that others were understanding what I had come to understand about the project and I got some enjoyment out of that.

But I started noticing that it was expanding beyond the group and somehow… Chris was now the only one mentioned in the origin story. I would talk to people online and they would tell me that Chris was the first one to do it. It sort of depressed me.

Now, Chris has never been one to exclude me. He has mentioned my name before and always refers back to me when talking about the project, but history was rewriting itself regardless.

So, I decided that it was partially my fault for not continuing the project past 2006 and that I needed to make up for what I missed in a big way. So I got everything set up to do a podcast (I was already going to do one for my new year’s resolution, but it wasn’t going to be related to 365) and asked Mav if he’d like to co-host. I wrote a theme song, created a set, got space on podbean and began working towards our first episode.

Twenty episodes later I felt like I was making an impact on the group that would certainly restore my place as a founder and major contributor. But I guess it’s hard to change the minds of all 8,000+ people.

So, to return to last night, I began reading everyone’s kind comments and beaming a little at how the project had changed their lives. But suddenly I was struck with the language that they used. Ninety Five percent of the time (so it seemed), Chris was mentioned as the sole originator.

I feel like down the road when people remember 365 (I’m sure Wikipedia will cover it at somepoint), I’ll be nothing more than a footnote… if that.

Sadly, I feel this way because I’m already in Wikipedia as a footnote to my former band 12 Stones.

Anyway, please don’t feel like I’m throwing myself a pity-party, this is my diary entry… it will remind me about why I created this. There’s not much I can do to re-insert myself into the mythology except to just keep doing the podcast and keep creating good work and hope that maybe one day, the 300 or so of you that watch the show will remember.

Strobist Info: Alien Bees B800 through a softbox at camera right.

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