Keencut SteelTraK Heavy-Duty Cutter

The STEELTRAK has been designed and built by Keencut engineers to surpass all current standards and meet the exceptional demands of the 21st century sign industry. Building on the huge success of the all-purpose Keencut Excalibur, and recognising the increasing demands of thicker, tougher sign materials, the design brief was simple. Create a brand new vertical cutting machine exclusively for the Sign Maker. It must be the best manual cutter ever made but offer exceptional value for money. It must be strong, versatile, capable, easy to use, virtually maintenance free and built to last almost indefinitely. It must withstand the closest scrutiny, the toughest tests and deserve a place in every sign making workshop. In other words it has to be the best, the very best. It is, and we call it STEELTRAK.
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Expressing your breast milk is a great way to give yourself a little freedom while making sure baby is getting the best nutrition. Our mums show you various methods and discuss which ones worked best for them. Many mums choose to express they breast milk as it can make life easier and you can be confident your baby can still have the benefits of breast milk even if you are away from her. Whether you’re just out for a few hours, or have gone back to work, your baby can carry on enjoying your milk while someone else is caring for her. If you to be away from your baby for a long period of time, you will need to express your breast milk while you and your baby are apart. This is important as it will stop your breasts becoming too full and uncomfortable. Expressing breast milk can also be a great way to increase your overall milk supply. Expressing breast milk by hand is the cheapest way as you don’t need to buy equipment. The trick of expressing breast milk by hand is to put pressure on the milk ducts behind your nipple, rather than squeezing the nipple itself. It’s a useful knack to have and can help you to relieve your breasts if they’re too full. Many breastfeeding mums find it easier to use a manual or electric pump. To use an electric pump, you put a suction cup over your breast, turn the machine on, and let it do the work. The electric breast pump will extract your milk, depositing it in an attached container. Manual pumps also use a suction cup, but you’ll have to

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