James Taylor guitar lesson (Never Die Young) — by ThinkingDog

Lesson notes on James Taylor’s unique guitar style, including examples of some of his most commonly used chords and embellishments plus detailed notes on “Never Die Young” — one of JT’s best songs (IMO) and a great example of his melodic fingerpicking technique. When I was first getting into the acoustic guitar, JT inspired me to look beyond just strumming chords. He approaches the guitar like a piano player — incorporating bass lines, melodies and harmonies simultaneously while making it all sound deceptively simple. I think he’s generally under-appreciated as a guitar player — in my view, he’s one of the best acoustic players out there. I feel the need to add a disclaimer here: Ive learned a number of JT songs over the years, but I dont always capture every note accurately and Ill never get the exact technique or feel that he brings to the guitar because Im not that good, and theres only one James Taylor. Obviously the best way to really learn JT’s distinctive style of guitar playing is to spend as much time as possible listening and studying his recordings. I’m playing a Taylor 810 with Elixir polyweb strings, light gauge (.012 – .053). I hope this video helps; remember not to get too hung up on nailing every note, instead concentrate on getting the feel and groove first — that’s what matters most to the player and listener. Enjoy, and keep playing!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Throwing Fire is on my 2nd CD, Disorganized Fun: www.ronaldjenkees.com SUPER FUN TIME WITH THIS JAM!!!! Thanks a lot for watching! Hope you liked it. Kindof a rough cut, but it’s always fun. This video is dedicated to the band Papa Roach for letting me check out their studio and giving me a place to stay in LA. Those are some hard-working rockers and good guys. I got cold chills listening to the songs they’re working on for their new album. I think it’s coming out really soon. My friend Sam gave me the hat I’m wearing in this vid. It’s made of 100% recycled material. Can’t beat that. Here’s their site: www.livity.org I’m using FL Studio software to make the beat in the background and a Korg Triton Le keyboard on top, Motif XS8 on bottom.

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