Is this writing any good?

Question by Flubbers McMuffin: Is this writing any good?
I just started off a new novel and the plot is basically a girl who physically enters her own imagination whenever she uses it. There’s kind of a moral to the story, like, learn to control your thoughts or you can end up getting hurt.
It starts like this.

Step 1- Concept. Done. Madison could already feel the sentences unfolding in her mind.
Step 2 – Main character. Done. She was going to make this kid so real, she’d have Mr. Bartlett seeing him right there in the classroom.
Step 3 – Supporting characters. Done. She could see them rolling through her brain like the names of actors in movie credits.
Step 4 – Throw it all together and – Voila. One creative writing assignment. Done and done.
A scribble in red pen here, a spelling correction there – and Madison was done in ledd than twenty minutes with an assignment that most would take hours to complete.
Fourteen year old Madison Ferringer had more imagination than just about any other eighth grader at Clearfield Hills Middle School. She could dream up a masterpiece poem, song lyric, story, artwork, anything – in about thirty seconds. In the next half hour, she’d have it in a tangible form, artwork that belonged in a museum or words that unwrapped scenes before your eyes.
Yeah, I’m 14 and I think I’m gonna add a little teen drama. I was thinking it would probably be for more junior high students though.
I do have some kinds of a sub plot for later. Sneaky, huh… 😉

Best answer:

Answer by *Rosie21*
Im 15 and it wouldn’t appeal to me unless you put romance or some other stuff teens like
This would appeal more to younger audiences but not too young
But it’s a good idea

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