Is Myalgia and Neuropothy the same as MS? What do I have?

Question by pinky: Is Myalgia and Neuropothy the same as MS? What do I have?
Have a script for a MRI from my doctor. Have to put down $ 400.00 upfront. One hospital gave me a diagnosis of Neuropothy. Another hospital gave me a diagnosis of Myalgia. I am in so much pain, legs, arms, shock or spasms and joint pain throughout my body. Taking Neurontin 300mg but isn’t working when I wake up. I go to different hospitals crying and begging to run tests on me but no one will help me. Lost my 2 day job today for calling in sick. I am willing to sell my car or everything in my apartment to get this MRI. Having a Field Vision test today. If I do have MS or Fibromyalgia can I sue these doctors for not helping me or running tests on me? I am working on disability w/ the state but that takes for ever. Now I will apply for SSI. IWhat can I take for this pain? How and where can I get tested for my cronic pain? Please help. I am a 45 female and also pay child spt. I am in deep trouble now. Thank you everyone and I pray for you!

Best answer:

Answer by ?
my- means muscle
neur- means nerve
-pathy means problem/disease
-algia means pain

So myalgia is muscle pain, neuropathy is a general term for disease affecting nerves. Myalgia and neuropathy are just the technical names for the symptoms you have. They don’t know what the underlying cause is, which is probably the reason for the MRI.

Hope this helps.

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