Is it annoying when someone, such as your WIFE, is sitting there with you watching a movie and REFUSES?

Question by Don’t call me a liberal.: Is it annoying when someone, such as your WIFE, is sitting there with you watching a movie and REFUSES?
to tell you the name of the movie? I am sick, dizzy, nauseous, had a terrible disorder for the past month, and we were lying together and she had Sense and Sensibility in the DVD player. I asked her the name, and she said “a movie.” Then I said, “ahh, it is on the tip of my tongue… Pride and Prejudice.” To which she replied, “nope.” I then said it was on the tip of my tongue again, and I just couldnt think of it. I asked her to not make the guy with the headaches and dizzyness think too hard, to which she replied “you said you know it.” I asked her to just tell me the name, “no,” please just tell me the name “nope.” I then said that I am going out there and will look it up on the PC. She said “why, it is written on the disc in the player?” So I said tell me, she said no, and I got up and opened the DVD player, said “Sense and Sensibility. It makes more sense to tell me the name of the movie than to have me stop it while you are watching it.”

It just annoys the crap out of me. To me, that kind of behavior is similar to “Im not touching you.” What do you think???

Best answer:

Answer by Cloots Tokala
Hahaha, yeah. SO annoying!
I wonder if she was doing it on purpose.

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