Irreverent Cuban movie promises zombie revolution

Charles River scullers
the making of a movie
Image by Chris Devers
It looks like they may have been getting ready to film this group of sculling rowboats going down the river. Just visible to the right in this shot is what appears to be a video camera boat, while in the distance downstream was a police boat. I thought they were sending down divers looking for something, and the rowers were being told to wait, but in hindsight the simpler (& happier) explanation was that someone was making a movie of the boats going down the river.

Supposedly Justin Timberlake is filming The Social Network about Mark Zuckerberg and the founding of Facebook in Boston these days, and I thought I heard them mention Timberlake’s name. I only sort of know what he looks like, so for all I know he or some other actor(s) are in these sculling boats. Me, I just like seeing the boats rowing down past the autumn foliage, nevermind who is rowing them 🙂

Irreverent Cuban movie promises zombie revolution
What would you do if your entire city was taken over by flesh-eating zombies and communist leaders insisted it was nothing but a plot by U.S-backed dissidents to destabilize the government?
Read more on AP via Yahoo! News

The prestige movie season officially begins at Toronto International Film Festival
“Hereafter,” “The Conspirator,” “Black Swan” and “The King’s Speech” are among the many prestige pictures debuting at Toronto International Film Festival this year.
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