Insurance Sales Scripts To Get Your Prospect To Enroll In The Policy Now


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Insurance Sales Scripts To Get Your Prospect To Enroll In The Policy Now

Selling insurance is a tough business. Whether you are with a national brand or are an independent broker getting new clients to convert daily can be a challenge while still providing great service to your existing clients. On top of that most of the “help” you get from local marketing services tells you to “build more relationships” and “ask for referrals”.

With referrals and relationships you can get away with less skill on the phone than new prospects. The challenge is that when you count on referrals your business usually struggles. You can only call the same people so often to get referrals! Increasing your skills on the phone with interest piquing scripts will allow you to go after new business, increase the number of policies and get even more referrals.

While each type of insurance has different benefits there are common aspects

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