If you think the “lunatics” are bad in the classical forum, read these for a laugh…?

Question by Kalibasa: If you think the “lunatics” are bad in the classical forum, read these for a laugh…?
(Sorry, I know this isn’t classical music, you can blast me and I think it’s fair :), but if I put it in polls and surveys none of you will see it. So.. this will make you all feel better. If you think the Twilight questions are bad here, you should see the film and books forums!).

Actually it’s depressing. Here is a taste of some of the stuff I’ve come across recently in “Books and Authors”:

What are some vampire books with super hot sex?
I have a presentation on Pride and Prejudice and I don’t have time to read the Sparknotes, can someone give me a summary thanx!
I saw the BBC Jane Eyre and LOVED it but when I started the book it was really boring, can I just skip to the part when she meets Rochester? (Then in the details she asks whether anything important happens before that- this is about 130 pages worth. But at least she’s reading the book, I’ll give her that….)
When was the invention of the type writter?
I just read Twilight and LOVED it, are there any vampires in New York? (I’m looking for one who isn’t too tall and is fifteen, otherwise just like Edward, can someone PLEASE help THANK YOU SO MUCH!)
When did Edward Cullen and Bella made their baby? what book? thanksx
Would you read a story like this? (…her parents are still a little unsure, wherefore he announces their appending marriage. Wherefore the parents decide to forgive her… I want to be as good as Philippa Gregory, well someday haha!) At least she hasn’t aimed for Juliet
What do you think of my poem? (Is it too allegorical or alliteralish? Please tell me thank you!) And there is *no* allegory in it, unless you count her metaphors of herself as a garden hose. OK, it’s a *little* better in context…
Can we get vampire phone books, or do they just always get listed in typical phone books? (She got cold feet and removed it in a hurry, but it was there for a couple minutes…. 🙁 I would have starred it. I wouldn’t mind a vampire phone book)

And my all-time favorite, get ready for it-
Was Shakespeare really a transvestite? (Oh yes that was on there…)

These are horrendous! I’m not including any links because I don’t want to target specific people, but aren’t they jewels? All but the poem question are within the past couple weeks. (And I’ve seen “better” poems since, but I didn’t want to mock something that was too recent- just too mean). And I didn’t even dare venutre into Movies- they’re probably better still.

Even the worst of the questions we get are rarely *this* bad. I feel pity for their TC’s! It could be worse, it could be so much worse- at least they haven’t asked us for Edward’s phone number.
Should I give up on books? Probably, even if I’m an English lit major. But in film, I naively asked a question once about Polanski and got back- “Is he that actor in Anchorman?” Dear God. I wish I could discuss film with someone *sniff*
Am I a vampire because I have pale skin? That’s good too. I have fangs- does that count?

Best answer:

Answer by Eric
haha, wow. people are incredibly stupid. that’s about all i can take away from that

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