If you have seen Voyage of the Dawn Treader can you tell me some Caspian/Susan moments?

Question by Immabekiwi: If you have seen Voyage of the Dawn Treader can you tell me some Caspian/Susan moments?
Anyone? Anything that happened between Caspian and Susan. Because I can’t find anything good online and I don’t think I’ll make it to the movie or buy the dvd, I know there is a big wave that Caspian touches and sees her or something

Best answer:

Answer by GCK
That is not true. Caspian does not ever see Susan in this movie… sorry. The part with the wave is where he touches it and longs for his father. He only mentions Susan once in the movie. Lucy asks him if he has found a queen, and Caspian says something like, “No… not anyone that lives up to your sister”

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