I think they’re killing the Twilight series by making the movie, anyone agree/disagree?

Question by Mrs.Bateman: I think they’re killing the Twilight series by making the movie, anyone agree/disagree?
and I don’t know about you but I heard that song by Paramore that’s supposed to be on the soundtrack and Wow it’s gay, I can only wait to hear what other lame bands are going to be on it. So disappointing , I guess Steph wants to make all the money she can
to ღஜღ♥ Dreamy ♥ღஜღ or “Sara” F*ck You you are the exact definition LAME!! and not at all Punk how sad ,…what a poser. I bet you like Paramore, LOL !!

Best answer:

Answer by Always Ariana

it was alread dead.


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