‘I Dont Need No D@mn Man!’ Has the Strong Woman made Men Obsolete? TonyaTko Matriarch Patriarch

With the strong independent woman’s education & net worth towering that of men, does the Modern Man brings anything of value to the Strong Independent woman. Women can hire professional plumbers/carpenters/mechanics & computer repairmen. So With his apprehension about commitment and how he willingly & freely gives away his pen!s & companionship, does the modern man have any present value outside of marriage? Has this made his contribution worthless & obsolete, ending what we know of traditional families? Journey with me into the construct of the modern relationship and the present need or lack of need for marriage if no children are involved. Following last week’s conversation about young boys growing soft in single mother households; We began to ponder not only what led to the single motherdom in the first place, but to how the problem is perpetuated. One man said today’s woman has everything to gain by marrying. “She gets to marry ‘Up,’ increasing her net worth, and then divorces him for half.” — Does this statement even hold true for the average man who doesn’t have superstar money nor power? Is the modern woman making Herself unappealing by ‘wearing the pants’ & ultimately removing all femininity? Does she flaunt her power & money as a means to crush his masculinity. Tonight’s Show will answer: Has the advent of the Strong Independent woman rendered the traditional male Obsolete. LIVE TOMORROW!: www.blogtalkradio.com Questions: 1. Can you be “Independent” and part of

*SPOILERS for those of you not up to date with the manga* I randomly felt like making a video to honor my favorite anime pairing on the planet! ha ha. Hope you guys like it, it’s my first video ever (thank you iMovie for being so beginner-proof). Picture Credits: ~Ed-and-Winry-FOREVER from deviant art -Jason at picasa (dont know who drew original) -Shonenwallpapers.com -anime.desktopnexus.com -evenstar15 -Hiromu Arakawa of course! (I love you!) -wastefulspace -onemanga.com -Funimation -and my cropping skills (ha ha) *if I forgot to give someone credit I’m sorry! *I DO NOT OWN FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST, FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD, OR “FALL FOR YOU” BY SECONDHAND SERENADE ~ I simply love you all 😛 SO I DO NOT INTEND ANY COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT- I just though the song fit perfectly and the pics too so yeah. Please don’t be mad at me rightful owners- I’m doing this because I love your music/pics! Plus I’m NOT LOOKING FOR A PROFIT just some critique of my movie making plus, I really just did this for myself because I love EdWin so much!* ありがとうございます!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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