I am very interested in going to a Musical Theatre Camp this summer. Are there any camps near where I live?

Question by Aiden: I am very interested in going to a Musical Theatre Camp this summer. Are there any camps near where I live?
This is kind of spontaneous but I am a 20 year old college student and recently I saw the movie “Camp.” Basically it inspired me to do somethink like that this summer. I am musically inclined, I play the piano well, and I can sing. I tried searching for music theatre camps around Charlotte, NC but I didn’t find much. I go to school in Cullowhee, NC which is near Franklin, Sylva, and Asheville area. If I was to do something like that where should I start? I’m kind of lost and I don’t know where to begin. I basically want to do something constructive this summer, make friendships, and have a great experience using my talents.

Best answer:

Answer by thinksmink
Call your local community college drama department. They can really help guide you to where you want to be.

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