I am making a movie on Windows movie maker, once im done I have to show it on a mac computer, Is this possible?

Question by Christian: I am making a movie on Windows movie maker, once im done I have to show it on a mac computer, Is this possible?

Thanks guys! Yeah I figured it out, its a pretty crappy program, kept freezing. But were all good now!

Best answer:

Answer by PaTa
Yes, simply save it as a movie once your done and not as a project. If you don’t know how to do this, simply look at the ‘Make a Movie’ tab on the lefthand side of the screen and click under that ‘Save to my Computer’. It’ll make everything into one movie file that you will be able to view on other computers. Hope I helped! Answer mine: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100120074346AAcMHfs

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