Hydrogen Cell HHO NEW Dual 4 Plate Arrangement – 1L/Minute

6th Documented Video Test of a *NEW* DUAL 4 Plate HHO Cell w/ Baking Soda Electrolyte (1/2 teaspoon). Also, the newer design has further been upgraded to weatherproof enclosure, modified with a viewing window for study. Also, since the HHO Electrolyzed bath is now sealed we can continue testing with output verification. OUTPUT: 30/sec == 500ml, 1/min == 1Liter AMPERAGE: Cold/25-30Amps, Hot/30-40Amps -estimated- Further upgraded to the cell Stinger 4-gauge wire with the addition of 8-gauge audio power cables also. With electrician grade heavy duty crimp down connectors, similar to stay-cons. The actual plates are 98% of the components being stainless steel (non magnetic) screws/bolts to further our experiments. Spacing is around 1/16th of an Inch. This set-up is regarding a dual 4-plate config, store bought from Home Depot. Baking Soda is our electrolyte. The plates are configured to be 2+(pos) and 2-(neg) .. or can be switched around. [+][-][+][-] x2 This video currently contains the upgrade via stainless steel wall-plates/covers from home depot, where before we were using a 5-plate set-up from lowes. Also have a video shot of the new hydrogen measuring device for output in action. Measuring milliliters/liter(ml/l) output per minute/hour rate/ratio. The measuring device will move 500ml to the other empty tube, once timed will give us our output on the hydrogen cell design. Stay tuned to more of my videos, soon to be car installation. Possibly even a secondary upgraded

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