How to Use the Chinese Water Torture Method to Increase Your Sales

How to Use the Chinese Water Torture Method to Increase Your Sales

Article by Danny Fortune

How to Use the Chinese Water Torture Method to Increase Your Sales – Internet – Newsletters

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Are you looking for new ways to increase online sales?

Online marketers are constantly seeking new ways to do just that.

The Chinese Water Torture method is one ingenious way to accomplish that. In previous wars, certain captors practiced a method of torturing prisoners that involved tying them down and then placing a water source like a hose above their head. They would turn on the tap and let the water drip on the forehead of the prisoner drop by drop by drop for hours, days, and sometimes even weeks until it came to the point where the prisoner could no longer stand the pain and gave up the information the captors were seeking. It was a very painful method of getting prisoners to comply I answering their questions and it became know as the “Chinese Water Torture” method.

As online marketers how can we profit from this method, and can we apply it to our own marketing efforts? Can we use this method to increase our sales one by one, by one? If you think about it for a moment we can. Most online marketers do not understand the principle behind the implementation of this practice and are therefore approaching the subject of online marketing in a very limited manner. You see, most marketers would not think to use drop by drop by drop methods, or “drip marketing” as it is called to entice their leads or prospects to buy their products or services. And yet this is a very powerful method that can result in increased leads, sales, and ultimately profits.

So, what is the drip marketing method and how can you apply it to your online business?

Simply stated, you just change the way you market to your prospects from one of an “on-off” method to one of a drip method. The drip method requires that you do not try to sell your prospect on the first, the second, or even the third communication, but rather the sixth, or the seventh attempt. Studies show that it takes on average seven communications before a prospect will be confident enough with you to buy from you. Attempting to sell them on your first few emails is not going to be successful. The series of email messages loaded into your autoresponder should therefore then be written in such a way as to not to try to sell your prospect in the first few, but rather after they have received seven or more of your messages.

The implications for your marketing approach are several, including:

1. Re-write your entire series of emails to change their focus from an early to a letter sales script.

2. Increase the number of emails in your autoresponder up to and including twelve messages.

3. Be more “informative” about your product in the first few messages as opposed to more sales oriented.

4. Lead into more “sales-focused” ad copy at the latter end of the series.

By changing your advertising focus and using the “drip” method you will increase your chances of getting the sale.

About the Author

Danny Fortune is an Internet Marketer who can assist you to increase the overall success of your online marketing efforts. for more suggestions, go here:

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Danny Fortune

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