How to Set Up a Store on Facebook In this video you will learn about an application and how to set up a store on facebook. I’ve seen quite a few store front applications pop up for Facebook and I have been wanting to try one for a while. One such application is called Payvment. This application allows you quickly and easily create a storefront on a facebook page. How Much Does it Cost? Currently to set up a storefront the cost is zero, yes free. As of now they dont charge anything or take any cut of your sales. In reading the FAQ on their website it seems they are more concerned with making great technology and getting feedback to do that. How Do I Set Up a Store? I was amazed at how easy it was to set up a store. Like I said we had our up and running within 15 minutes. 1. You must have a paypal account, both personal and business is work. 2. Create an account on their website here 3. To set up the store just go the application page here and follow the directions outlined. Some features this store has: * You can create multiple categories of products * Option sets (such as different sizes, colors) * Tracking of sales * Ability to feature a product on the main page
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