How to Really Sell Cds Online


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gets sent out over a period of time that you specify. Once a week over a period of say 7 weeks, seems to work. You set up these emails like newsletters where you talk about different things your band is doing, or has done. Mostly over time you are going to talk about your CD(s) that you want them to know all about and of course preview and finally buy. Anytime you have something new to tell your fans, you send out a broadcast email. Whenever your new CD comes out, you have a growing list of subscribers to sell it to. Direct targeted online marketing. This is the world you now live in.

If you want to really get into marketing online in a serious way, and do it right from the start, and sell a boatload of CDs online, all the fine details can be found in my Indie Artist DIY Smartkit. – I talk about all the

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