How to Make Your Own Halloween Maze


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Many places like Knotts Scary Farm, etc, have thousand dollar props that can put your audience in the mood. However, it is the actors, and the art of misdirection that make all the difference. Often times you can use cardboard, primer, and stuffed dummies to make all the disctractions necessary. Remember, we want them focused on something else when you pop out. Hanging thread from the ceiling distracts them as they feel like they are walking through spider webs. Try using dots on the walls to give you an opportunity to “blend in” to the walls like camouflage.

6) Scares: Scaring people is an art. Some people like to use soup cans filled with nuts and bolts as a “shaker can” to make an abrupt noise when they jump out. These work, but I assure you that a plastic milk jug filled with small bolts will do ten times better. These jugs make the most horrific sounds, and will

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