How to Make your Cold Calling Problem-focused


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pitch – “I’m so-and-so, I’m with such-and-such, and we do such-and-such…” is about who you are and what you do. The moment the people you’re talking with realize that you’re making the conversation about you, they tune out and turn off. We all do this in our everyday life when we’re confronted by someone who talks on and on about themselves.

2. We Avoid the Numbers Game

The new cold calling approach walks away from the “numbers game.”

The numbers game is the belief that if you call enough people, some of them will listen to your presentation and that some of those who listen will buy.

However, when we focus on solving the other person’s problems, we break out of that grim scenario. It’s no longer about how many people you call and pitch. It’s about your ability to connect and build

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