How to Make the Most Money Touring


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that is actually yours. Why? You will spend a lot of money on product that may go to waste. Spend that money once you have a solid fan base that is showing up to your gigs because you are there, not because another band is.

Ask other bands in your genre if they would want to share lists. By that, I mean, when you send out a notice about your group, you also send a notice about theirs and visa versa. It’s a great way to cross promote.

Make friends, not enemy’s. You are not a diva and people don’t like them so don’t become one.

Make sure you have a contract. Without one, you can get screwed.

Learn the business. This is show business. Put on the show with all your heat and soul so they want to come back, but learn the business.

Make sample cards with music samples, not full songs on them and hand them out at the gigs. Keep costs down and

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