How to make ringtones for iPhone 4, iPhone 3Gs, and iPhone 3G using iTunes

A really easy thing to do, no software needed. JUST iTunes. i’m running the new iTunes 9.2.1 but will work on any other versions once you followed all my steps to find the ringtones go to : settings sounds Ringtone Custom
Video Rating: 4 / 5

This is a 4 min 43 sec video full of things that go on in DK Isle. IMPORTANT NOTICE Due to loss of inspiration, I don’t make DKC bloopers anymore. I tried to make DKCB 6 SEVERAL times (even before I got better video editing software), only ending up in failure. They were pretty hard to animate, and even if I do have better video editing software, I would need to turn pretty much every object animation into an animated GIF… and since Rare made lots of sprites to go with the animations to increase the epicness of the game… yeah, NOT going to happen. I apologise if all of the DKCB fans are upset about this, but with me making MADs, I can’t satisfy EVERYONE. DKCplayer

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