How To Make a Paramore RIOT! Poster 8D

Sadly, omgitsxxxbri made an annotation so stupid and pointless I’m not going to bother with them anymore. I won’t mention her annotation but I’m going to tell you right here it was just about the biggest bull crap I’ve ever heard. Sorry, I wish I could let you add annotations but too many people add stupid ones like that. Thank you omgitsxxxbri, thank you for ruining the opportunity for everyone else. More than 8000 views?! Thank you all so much! I really appreciate it 😀 THE FIRST SONG IS ADORE BY PARAMORE!!! Everyone has been asking me lately… does that mean you didn’t finish watching my video? 😛 This took me a total of 3 hours to make, so I had to speed it up quite a bit ^^’ Anyways, this is how you make one. I made two of these, I wrote RIOT! all over my converse, my socks, my scarf, my skinny jeans, and my tie~

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