How To Make A Great Movie Villain


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T-1000 model.

T-1000 offers all of the same frightening characteristics of the original Terminator but with an additional ability of shape-shifting. T-1000 is more advanced and so provides a more threatening villain, made from liquid metal and able to mimic various objects including John Connor’s foster-parents and his mother. This ability to shape-shift increases T-1000’s villainous abilities massively as he is able to manipulate and deceive his victims against their will and judgment.

On the opposite end of the scale are the villains that are emotive, excitable and with exaggerated personas as demonstrated by Heath Ledger’s villain in the most-recent Batman film, The Joker. The latest incarnation of the Clown Prince of Crime perfectly conveys his lack of empathy and almost-humorous contempt for human life. The most prominent aspect of The

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