How to Hunter – Getting Started

(Beginner Guide) *OUTDATED BUT ENJOY* Brang here, showing you folks that are interested in making a hunter toon, a nice guide on how NOT to huntard. I figured, a good way to eliminate some of the huntard problem would be by teaching the new hunters how to be a hunter =P I was gonna use a NE, but I’m pretty sure you guys are sick of me and NEs so I went with Orc. No I did not reroll horde or reactived my account. The other volumes won’t be out for a very long time. Mods used as usual Doom_CooldownPulse and OmniCC Music Blue Man Group – Rods and Cones MACROS (I made these macros for the sake of the video people, make them the way YOU want it) *Shoots Arcane Shot. With shift it summons pet if it’s away, otherwise it mends pet.* #showtooltip /cast [nomod] Arcane Shot(Rank 2) /cast [mod:shift,nopet] Call Pet; Mend Pet *Shoots Conc Shot. Rezzes pet if it’s dead, otherwise it dismisses him.* #showtooltip /cast [nomod] Concussive Shot /cast [mod:shift,nopet] Revive Pet; [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; Dismiss Pet /cast Raptor Strike(Rank 3) /cast Mongoose Bite(Rank 1) #showtooltip /cast [nomod] Hunter’s Mark(Rank 1) /cast [mod:shift] Scare Beast(Rank 1) *Blood Fury. With shift it switches from AtoH to AotM and vice versa.* #showtooltip /cast [nomod] Blood Fury(Racial) /castsequence [mod:shift] Aspect of the Hawk(Rank 2), Aspect of the Monkey #showtooltip /cast [nomod] Track Humanoids /cast [mod:shift] Track Beasts If you want to use it with a cast focus, you need to type /cast

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