How to hack electrical stuff like make lights turn on off etc. ? (Read Descript)?

Question by : How to hack electrical stuff like make lights turn on off etc. ? (Read Descript)?
Like how would you do this? Using a computer and then control the lights accross the street, or turn your microwave on and off, or even turn on the lights in the bedroom. I mean think about it. Our house and computers are electricly connected so why wouldn’t this be possible. I have two examles right here. Even though it’s just a movie, if you watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Jane and John take on as a team to take down their companies together. When they infiltrate this one building to get this kid who knows lots of information about everything that is going on in the movie, John goes to infiltrate and Jane stands behind and uses the computer for all of the work. Well part of he work is that when John gets in she has to cut all of the power in the building that way nobody can see him and he will be able to kill. It looked as if she was typing in Dos or some terminal type prompt when she was working… go to 6:10 and you’ll see it… Like how is that possible and how to do it. If this isn’t an appropriate question then better one, what would this type of hacking be called? also another example is a group called anonymous was able to hack t the subway trains and control them through computer and using only wi-fi… So it has to be real if that happened. Plz, any answers are great… Have a Nice Day!!! XD

Best answer:

Answer by korgrue
1. Buy an Arduino.
2. Learn to use it.

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