How to dL a song to add to a windows movie im making?

Question by Grizzlie Mama: How to dL a song to add to a windows movie im making?
I want to download a song to use for the soundtrack to a short windows movie im making. Do i get a MP3 file? Where can i easily find/buy the song im looking for? Its ‘I get off’ by Halestorm.
Are itunes compatible with Windows?

Best answer:

Answer by Helen
You can get it off of iTunes, and you import it by clicking import music file, and look in an iTunes folder, look in iTunes library and it should be under a folder name ‘Halestorm’ somewhere.
P.S. I am doing this from memory as I have no way of getting to a computer (surfing the web on my iPod), so I apologise if any of the information is wrong, but I have been able to import podcasts and songs from iTunes in the past, so it is possible.

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