How to Braid Extensions Part Two- Kinky Braids

This is a video on how to kinky twist your hair, For info on how to start this process watched How to Braid Extiontions Part One- Regular Braiding Note: A tip I left out is how to hide your hair if it continues to stick out. I try to blend it with a strand of fake hair and add more gel, Then I twist the hair between my right index finger and thumb before twisting it with the other strand. So far for me this has given me neat braids check out Braids by Sabrina at doing Senegalese twist To make tight Senegalese Twist do the following steps: 1 After you have anchored the braid with about ONE inch of braiding, 2 Separate the hair into two equal pieces. The next two steps are crucial to creating a tight Senegalese Twist!! 3 In your left hand, roll the hair to the right between your fingers (like you are popping your finger). 4 Do the same manuever in your right hand and roll the hair upward between your fingers. 5 The NEXT TRICKY PART is crossing your right hand over your left hand, while continue to keep the tension of the twist that you are creating. 6. When done correctly, you will have a very neat twist which can be created of any size and using almost any type of extension hair fiber texture. taken from My fotki page: My graphics page:
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