how is this movie script coming out to you?

Question by Alex K: how is this movie script coming out to you?
Scene one part 1 —-

The world is not as it was… there was people with pros and cons, but that was not enough, not for the government. 2075 the Japan made solders they called super troopers, they were children that were raised from the start to fight the world war 3, America could not expect defeat. 8 months after the world war America started up a secrete plan, scientists were making clones at a fast rate, they still had some problems but the fact that they could spawn children 3 times faster per machine they thought it was a good start. The government started sending out papers saying to find the most talented child they could find, 2 weeks later they found a teen named scene. The government project was to find the best and fittest young man they could find and to grow them at a high rate, and after time find ways they could “mod” the body’s growing process, in other words they were not super humans but they had high levels of site, hearing, and movement. 3 months into the project they had a batch of 24 SNB, SNB standard for super nature beings. They had a kill percent of 4 kills for SNB, so 10 SNB could take down a army of 40. 7 months into the process they sent out 340 of them, they were mindless killing beings, and the problem was is they got smarter, and soon they took over everyone. There was one person that knew how to stop them all, it was scene, the original clone, he was the only one that had a chance to take them down, he knew all there moves and better yet, he is always 2 steps above.

this is the converted version so it may have typos and not in script from

seems like a lot but it only took me 2 min to read

and i will be making this a movie. so tell me how my plot seems
this is a converted version. i did it just for you guys jeeze i didn’t want to spanned forever doing so, and i am 14 trying to make a funny movie way to break dreams

Best answer:

Answer by Wayne W
ill wait til it’s released straight to DVD or on late night cable.

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